1970 | How it All Began
The first session took place at Camp Christian. Over the years, the location has changed, but the dream and success have remained the same.
The First Generation of campers have grown up and some of them have children who have become the Second Generation of Koinonia. Believe it or not, the Third Generation is on its way.
The year 2020 marks 50 years since the three Carter Brothers set Koinonia in motion. As far as we can tell, God may very well bless Kanp Koinonia with another 50 years and beyond.
What We Teach
Kamp Koinonia emphasizes a reverence for God. The fun of being a Christian is completely dependent on a solid connection with God. That connection is determined by respect for God and His Word.
We do not treat young men and women like teenagers. We treat them like young men and women. This essentially means we treat them with more respect than the world does. Although the world treats youth as an excuse, we believe a young person has the capability to step up to a higher standard in their everyday life. Time and time again, hundreds of young people at Koinonia have proven the point.
Although the world treats youth as an excuse, we believe a young person has the capability to step up to a higher standard in their everyday life. Time and time again, hundreds of young people at Koinonia have proven the point.
We believe the Bible is inspired Word of God, fully shaped by His will and plan. Because of this, Koinonia encourages young men and women to be daily Bible readers. Prayer and Bible study are held up as they way to grow spiritually.
We believe baptism connects a soul with the death and resurrection of Jesus and therefore is necessary for salvation.
The age range if 9 to 18. This is for a specific reason. Although many youth camps separate the younger from the older, we have discovered some profound benefits to keeping them together. This gives the older ones a chance to be examples to young ones. Strangely enough, it also tends to make the younger ones an example to the older ones.
Basically, Koinonia tries to do what Jesus said to do. Put God first, others second, and yourself last. And this ends up being the secret to having what the founders wanted all along—a whole lot of fun.